How Fashion Affects Wedding Rings

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When you are approaching the biggest day of your life, there is a lot to think about. You need to decide on a look and theme, buy a wedding dress, and organise the whole lot. One of the really important things that you must not neglect is your wedding rings. You will wear them for the rest of your lives together, so it is essential that you make the right choices in terms of design. There are several types that you might wish to go for when it comes to style. Consider these carefully next to what you would prefer to wear on a daily basis.

High Shine Metal Finish

With this option, you will have a wedding band which is very shiny and catches the light easily. This is ideal if you are thinking about getting a smaller band, as it will help it to stand out a bit more. You can combine this style with added jewels if you wish. It is thought that diamond wedding rings in particular can look very fetching in this style. You just need to make sure that you clean the rings regularly so that they can maintain their shine. If you want to gain more knowledge regarding diamond wedding rings read this article for further info.

Diamonds Are Forever

Of course, if you wish to have diamonds on your bands, you could just have the whole thing in crested with jewels. More and more people are getting diamond wedding rings, and it is certainly considered to be something that you can do if you wish. No one will think it odd if you have diamonds all the way around your wedding band. On the other hand, you could have one diamond in a central location just as a highlight to prevent it from being a simple ring. Some people prefer this to the solid and plain design.  If you are seeking for wedding rings custom made see post for details.

Engraved Patterns or Words

Another option which is popular for wedding rings is to have them engraved. This creates a really personal twist, because it allows you to match your wedding ring design directly to your personality. For example, you can have a floral or nature inspired design if you are lovers of the great outdoors. If you have an Irish background, you could always have Celtic designs engraved upon the metal. Or you can simply have one another’s names etched onto the ring as a statement of your love. Some couples even choose to have a message written on the inside of the ring just for each other. You could have a phrase from your vows if you wish.